Breaking Into Breakout Boxes: Escape Rooms in Education by Holly Johnson


Escape rooms have become a major trend all over the country. The concept is simple: a group of people are trapped in a room and must solve a series of puzzles to find their way out. In Breaking into Breakout Boxes, educator Holly Johnson takes the same basic concept and applies it to the classroom. Breakout boxes are locked boxes the teacher provides. The entire class works together to discover the combination to the box. The combination can be gleaned from clues related to any number of education subjects.

1 review for Breaking Into Breakout Boxes: Escape Rooms in Education by Holly Johnson

  1. Andrea Ges

    a practical and informative guide for educators looking to incorporate escape rooms into their classroom activities. The author, Holly Johnson, is an experienced teacher who has successfully used escape rooms to engage and motivate her students.

    The book covers the basics of escape rooms, including the history and evolution of the concept, and provides step-by-step instructions for designing and implementing breakout boxes in the classroom. Johnson also includes tips and tricks for creating engaging puzzles and challenges, as well as suggestions for how to use escape rooms to teach a variety of subjects.

    One of the strengths of this book is its emphasis on the educational value of escape rooms. Johnson makes a strong case for how these activities can promote critical thinking, problem-solving, collaboration, and creativity. She also provides examples of how escape rooms can be used to teach specific skills and concepts in various subject areas.

    Overall, “Breaking into Breakout Boxes” is a useful resource for educators looking to try something new and engaging in their classrooms. The book is well-written, easy to follow, and full of practical advice and inspiration.

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